Our Team.
Beyond Behavior's Team of employees is dedicated to carrying out it's mission while continuing to move forward with continued growth and progress towards client services and quality care.
Our Core Principles: Compassion, Awareness, Collaboration, Acceptance, Accountability, Purpose, Science, Progress, Independence.
Clinical Team
Clinical Director- Jennifer Biscotto
Clinical Supervisor- Michelle Berley-Gross
Clinical Supervisor- Kacie Massaker
Clinical Manager- Christine Jones
Clinical Administrative Specialist Megan Tracy
Professional Development Coordinator- Noelle Parker
And at the heart of the company: Our specialized, dedicated team of behavior analysts, behavior technicians, program aides, speech therapists and occupational therapists!
Administrative Team
Administrative Director- Colleen Clark
Administrative Assistants- Theresa Morgan, Louise Van Tuyl
Program Outreach Coordinator- Jessica Hartnett
Business Team
Business Operations Director- Mary Theresa Yurko
Human Resources Lead- Michael Stavish
HR Generalist- Erin Pisarcik
Senior Billing Specialist- Elizabeth Elliott
Billing Specialists- Brianna Williams
Therapy Team
Therapy Director- Bridget Rischawy
And our dedicated Speech and
Occupational Therapists!

The Heart of BBC
Our specialized, dedicated team of behavior analysts, behavior technicians, speech therapists, occupational therapists, program aides.